Our Mission:

All’s Well Initiative believes relational connection is every person’s deepest need… right up to their last breath.

From the bottom of New York City to the top, we are companions for those most in need of it – at the time they need it most.

We seek to serve the emotional and practical needs of those facing the end of life, particularly the lonely, marginalized and homeless.

What We Do:

All’s Well Initiative provides personalized companionship and doula services to those facing issues that arise at the end of life.

Just like a birth doula supports life’s entry, we seek to fill the care-gaps that emerge at the end, supporting the dying person, their family and friends in a holistic way while complementing the care of nurses, doctors, and hospice workers.

We help plan, navigate, ask the questions, guide the conversations and companion to the end.

How Does it Work?

New York City has one of the greatest concentrations of diversity, wealth and need the world has ever seen. A wonderful, beautiful, yet dissonant asymmetry is evident wherever you walk or look.

All’s Well is privileged to serve individuals in a wide variety of circumstances, from the wealthy to those in great need.

We serve clients who may have had very different experiences throughout their lives, but are united in the experience of facing life’s end.

Patrons & Beneficiaries

All’s Well has created a method to serve both the privileged and those in need, connecting our neighbors in a city where disparity is the unfortunate norm.

By offering bespoke services to our Patrons, we are able to divert fees and fund our work with Beneficiaries who are also in need but unable to afford care at this crucial moment. No one should have to die alone.

Our Beneficiaries receive discounted or free services thanks to the support of Patrons who pay for our services. They receive the very same attention, companionship, time, effort and care.

If you think we could help with your need, please reach out to schedule a conversation.


There is no typical engagement. Every situation is unique by nature. After a consultation we offer you a bespoke proposal with tiered options to ensure your needs are met with a scope that works for you specifically. If you would like to find out more about what we do or are interested in setting up a consultation please reach out.