
  • Assistance with Living Will and Health Proxy

  • Companionship for the dying and their loved ones

  • Support for caregiver(s)

  • Curating physical environment to serve and soothe

  • Meditation tools eg guided imagery, breathwork

  • Relaxation Aids ie: gentle hand and foot massage, reading aloud

  • Facilitation between family, friends and care support team

  • Deep listening – It is not uncommon for those at the end of life to be thinking through, working out and possibly resolving ‘unfinished business.’

  • Helping people articulate their story for themselves and posterity

  • Legacy projects —things to be remembered by and shared with loved ones eg photo albums, recordings, video, keepsakes

  • Creating a plan to help understand and navigate the final days and hours.

  • Sitting bedside vigil

  • Logistical support and coordination with after death professionals ie. Funeral directors, burial/cremation/green burial, faith leaders, executors, estate planners

  • Obituary and Eulogy writing

  • Post death grief support

  • Resource referral for other care services, such as acupuncture, music therapy, massage, faith communities